Oppose “Pre Market Approval for Dietary Supplements”
Senator Durbin is making his last effort to ensure that his bill “Pre Market Approval for Supplements” gets passed. This bill would allow for MASSIVE federal overreach in our personal lives and choices. He is including the “Pre Market Approval for Supplements” bill in ANY and ALL legislative bills and packages that remain to be put through Congress this year.
Please go to this site: https://www.votervoice.net/NPA/Campaigns/98836/Respond and let your Congressional Representatives know that you OPPOSE the “Pre Market Approval for Dietary Supplements” and ask them to vote NO on ANY BILL that has the “Pre Market Approval” bill attached.
Alert! Supplements are under attack.
Make your voice heard! Senate bill S. 4090 was introduced to the Senate in April 2022. As of yet, it is still in committee but there has been a push to get it passed before September 30, 2022. S. 4090 known as the Dietary Supplement Listing Act of 2022 would bring devastating consequences to the supplement industry and our ability to access, purchase, and use supplements. Together we can defeat this bill; reach out to people you know and on social media. Send them the below links and encourage them to stand up for their rights and let their voice be heard! Write to your Congressmen and tell them you oppose s 4090 Dietary Supplement Listing Act.
Click on the links below for more information or read the below flyer for an overview.
The links below must be viewed in a browser other than Google in order to bring them up:
The podcast below features leading experts and explains in detail the very real consequences of s4090. It also has a quick overview article touching on the most important points. Very informative.
Go to the below link for a pre-done sample letter that you can personalize. When you are done writing, hit the send button and it will send your email to both your senators and your representatives.

For additional nutrition information check out these websites!
Here at Graham’s, we know how difficult it is to find good, solid, up-to-date, and on-track information regarding nutrition. Listed below are some of our favorite go-to websites and videos for B vitamin knowledge. Enjoy!
On B1
Dr. Eric Berg
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) Deficiency: the “Great Imitator” of Other Illnesses
~Length of video—16:34
~Posted by: Dr. Eric Berg DC
The Health and Wellness Show: The Importance of Vitamin B-1-Thiamine
~Length of video—42:20
~Posted by: Sott Media
(co-host Elliot)
Is Thiamine Deficiency Destroying Your Digestive Health? Why B1 is ESSENTIAL for Gut Function
~Length of video—1:09:00
~Posted by: EONutrition
Dr. Chandler Marrs on Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)-Mitochondria’s Gateway to Energy
~Length of video—1:08:48
~Posted by: Objective Health
On B6
Dr. Eric Berg
Vitamin B6-Deficiencies & Amazing Benefits
~Length of video—3:27
~Posted by—Dr. Eric Berg DC
*Note: Dr. Berg has many more info videos, click on his playlist to watch them.
On B12
Diagnosing and Treating Vitamin B12 Deficiency
~Length of video—51:46
~Posted by—1000fantomas
Dr. Group
What you need to know about Vitamin B-12
~Length of video—50:35
~Posted by—Global Healing Center
(Host –Dr. Group)
*This site has lots of information on vitamin B’s and more. Go to the List of Nootropics and then click on different vitamins, etc. in the table of contents for in depth information on each.